Center of excellens
Dizzycenter Stockholm is a private highly specialized clinic for people who experience dizziness, vertigo and balance disorders.
We are doctors specializing in hearing and balance disorders, ear-nose-throat diseases, neurology and psychiatry. And two naprapats who mainly are working with analysis and treatment with our TRV repositiong chair.
For the past 20-30 years, we have worked in the clinical area of hearing and balance disorders. Our diagnostic management and treatment are of the highest international standard.
Balance Test & Vertigo Assessment
We assess the most important parts of the human balance system using neurophysiological tests. These tests include an assessment of how different parts of the balance organs work, the balance nerves, the central nervous system and the eye movement nervous system.
Our balance tests are explained on a separate website www.balanslaboratoriet.se (in Swedish).
One session usually leads to diagnosis and treatment
A session lasts 40 minutes and usually leads to one or more diagnoses that explain your dizziness symptoms. Before treatment can begin, a clear diagnosis is required.
We investigate dizziness, lightheadedness and sudden falls. Our examinations can determine whether the cause of vertigo is benign. Indications of neurological diseases and malfunctions of the central nervous system can be identified or can be ruled out as causes. Symptoms of dizziness can be very unpleasant and threatening. Our goal is to cure the disease if possible. In all other cases, we provide tools for our patients to regain control of their symptoms.
We treat various types of vertigo and vertigo. Our patients’ symptoms are often related to five very common vertigo disorders:
Different types of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, vestibular neuritis, vestibular migraine, functional vertigo/persistent postural perceptual vertigo and Ménière’s disease. These diseases and other causes of dizziness are explained on our website www.yrsel.com (in Swedish).
dr Christian Geisler
medical doctor specializing in Audiology and Ear-Nose-Throat-diseases, MBA Healthcare
dr Anders Lundin
medical doctor specializing in Neurology and Psychiatry, PhD
dr Mikael Karlberg
medical doctor specializing in Ear-Nose-Throat-diseases, PhD
dr Catarina Bergsten
medical doctor specializing in General Medicine
Doctors appointments
Appointments are mainly booked by private health insurance companies. We co-operate with these insurance companies.
Private consultations can be arranged only when free timeslots appear in our schedules. To see a price list and how to send us a textmessage, please click here.